This entry I'm covering the 2012 movie Decay and I will be writing the review as I progress through the movie. The movie made by actual physicists at CERN. I must say, I don't expect to much from a bunchof physicists who aren't actual actors, but 12 minutes in the acting hasn't proven terrible.
The security guard at the front door, all I can say is "poor guy". He didn't looked enthused about his job. I'll miss the chick that played Lisa, she was hot.....needed some mocha in the movie. Yeah, that's what you wanna do when you have people chasing you after they've been exposed to deadly radiation....wonder off on your own, jackass. So the first actual "fight" scene isn't acted all that well, but is it sad when I've seen professional actors who are worse?
This movie was made on a budget of less than $3,500 and you'd think it would look like crap, but the camera work's pretty damn good so far.
To be dealing with zombies for the first time, these characters are rather calm and collected. Plus, I've never once seen a zombie get downed with a rod through the gut.
I think now should be the time that I mention that I think Zoƫ Hatherell is hot. So far, she's my favorite part of this go alone with the science aspect. Yes I'm a nerd, we're fuckin' awesome and your just jealous lol.
Is it just me or does the audio kinda go up and down a little? I've had to change the volume about three times.
Man, this Matt guy's an asshole. How do you NOT know to not say you fucked a guys sister IN FRONT of the chicks brother?! Okay, how does a zombie hear a loud noise and not go after it, let alone smell the people that are less than 5 feet from it? And that's two down, three to go. Tick-tock kiddies. Oh for the love of God! Every. Fucking. Horror move! I want to see just one horror movie WITHOUT two characters falling for each other while running from the enemy.
Smart, save ammo when you can and crush the zombies head in. But then again, when you have a lot of zombies a machine gun and lots and lots of ammo, empty the clip. Whoops, saw a small special effects mistake one Connor.
Whenever I see someone with a screwdriver or something impailed in the eye, I think of Phineas Gage. Everytime there's a thud the camera shakes....I think that was a bad choice in camera work.
Well, all-in-all not a bad movie. Wouldn't win any Oscars, but I think it was pretty good. I recommend it if you like zombie movies.
Well, until next time, I am Crash Underride.
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